Doodle Alchemy Animals Cheats
Your guide with hints for all 336 elements
Game Description
Doodle Alchemy Animals is a game where you combine elements to create new elements. You start with the basic elements fire , water , air , and earth and create more complex items up to monkey , cobra , and Quetzalcoatl . In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all elements to find out more about it. For each element we give you all recipes for its creation and what other elements can be mixed with it. In walkthroughs you get a step-by-step guide with the shortest way from the start to each element.
List of all elements from A to Z
- A 17 elements
- adder
- African Tiger Fish
- air
- amoeba
- Anaconda
- Anchiornis
- anchovy
- Antarctic Krill
- anteater
- antelope
- antlion
- ants
- Apatosaurus
- Archaeopteryx
- arctic fox
- armadillo
- Australian Worm
- B 25 elements
- bacteria
- badger
- Banana Slug
- barbed adder
- basilisk
- bat
- bear
- beaver
- bee
- beetle
- Beluga Whale
- Belugall
- Bengal Cat
- bird
- bison
- Boa Constrictor
- bongo
- Brachiosaurus
- buffalo
- bull
- bull shark
- bullfinch
- bumblebee
- burbot
- butterfly
- C 25 elements
- camel
- cat
- Catdog
- caterpillar
- catfish
- Catouse
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog
- centipede
- chameleon
- cheetah
- chicken
- Chimera
- chinchilla
- Chipmunk
- clown fish
- cobra
- cochineal
- convict chiclid
- cow
- crab
- crocodile
- Crocohum
- Crocosquito
- crucian carp
- cuckoo bird
- D 19 elements
- dachshund
- dalmatian
- deer
- degu
- Deinonychus
- Delephant
- Dimetrodon
- dingo
- dinosaur
- Doberman Pinscher
- dog
- dolphin
- donkey
- Double-headed Dragon
- dove
- dragon
- Dragondile
- dragonfly
- duck
- E 14 elements
- eagle
- Eaglehog
- ears
- earth
- earthworm
- earwig
- echidna
- eel
- electric eel
- elephant
- elephant seal
- energy
- Euglena Viridis
- European otter
- F 18 elements
- falcon
- fangs
- feather
- fennec fox
- ferret
- Field Slug
- fire
- firebug
- firefly
- fish
- flounder
- fly
- flying snake
- flying squirrel
- forest
- fox
- frog
- fugu
- G 18 elements
- gazelle
- gelada
- gerbil
- German Shepherd
- Gila Monster
- giraffe
- giraffe gazelle
- Girturtle
- goat
- Goatfly
- goose
- Gopher
- gorilla
- Gorse
- grasshopper
- Gray Garden Slug
- guinea pig
- Gypsy Horse
- H 20 elements
- hammerhead shark
- hamster
- hare
- Haredog
- Harrow
- hedgehog
- heron
- herring
- Heterodontosaurus
- hills
- Himalayian Tahr
- hippopotamus
- hog-nosed snake
- hoof
- horn
- horned owl
- hornet
- horse
- hummingbird
- hyena
- I 4 elements
- iguana
- Inostrancevia
- insects
- Iranian Hind
- J 3 elements
- jaguar
- jelly fish
- jerboa
- K 4 elements
- kangaroo
- killer whale
- koala
- Komodo Dragon
- L 19 elements
- ladybug
- Large Blue Butterfly
- larvae
- leaf-nosed snake
- leech
- lemur
- leopard
- Leopard Horse
- leopard slug
- life
- lion
- lionfish
- Liopleurodon
- lizard
- llama
- lobster
- Long-eared Hedgehog
- Long-nosed Squirrel
- lynx
- M 18 elements
- magpie
- marmot
- meerkat
- mollusks
- Monitor Lizard
- monkey
- moonfish
- moose
- mosquito
- moss mite
- mountain beaver
- mountain goat
- mouse
- muraena eel
- musk deer
- muskrat
- mussels
- muzzle
- P 30 elements
- palorchestes
- panda
- panther
- Parasaurolophus
- Parrodog
- parrot
- paws
- Pegasus
- pelican
- penguin
- Pentaceratops
- Persian Gazelle
- Phoenix
- pig
- pike
- plankton
- platypus
- Plesiosauria
- Pliosauroidea
- Plymouth Rock chicken
- poison
- Polar Bear
- Pompeji Worm
- poodle
- porcupine
- Pteranodon
- Pterodactyl
- pudu
- pug
- puma
- Q 1 element
- Quetzalcoatl
- R 14 elements
- raccoon
- raccoon dog
- rat
- rattlesnake
- raven
- Red Panda
- Red Velvet Mite
- Rhamphorhynchus
- rhinoceros
- Rhinoceros Beetle
- roe
- Roosdog
- rooster
- Rusty Blenny
- S 35 elements
- Sabertooth Tiger
- Saiga Antelope
- salamander
- salmon
- sand
- Savannah Cat
- scorpion
- sea horse
- sea lion
- sea turtle
- sea urchin
- seagull
- shark
- sheep
- sheep (domesticated)
- Shorse
- slug
- snail
- snake
- snow
- snow leopard
- sparrow
- Sphinx
- spider
- Spinosaurus
- squid
- squirrel
- stag beetle
- starfish
- Steller's Sea Cow
- stork
- swallow
- swamp
- Swamp Wallaby
- swordfish
- T 20 elements
- tail
- Talarurus
- tapeworm
- tapir
- tardigrade
- termites
- Three-headed Dragon
- Three-toed Sloth
- tick
- tiger
- tiger shark
- tiger snake
- tinker
- toadfish
- tree kangaroo
- Triceratops
- trout
- turkey
- turtle
- Tyrannosaurus
- V 1 element
- vulture
- W 15 elements
- walrus
- wasp
- water
- water cavy
- whale
- White Tiger
- wild boar
- wildebeest
- wings
- wolf
- wombat
- wood
- wood grouse
- woodpecker
- worm
- Y 1 element
- yak
- Z 3 elements
- zebra
- Zebrog
- Zeernoceros